to witness someone being killed DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about to witness someone being killed, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about to witness someone being killed. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The to witness someone being killed dream consists of 2177 symbols:
I know someone who, according to this dream experience lost his wife, said the vision was fulfilled quite logically.... (sexual intercourse)
If we tickle someone in a dream, we might want to do him in waking life an insult... (tickle)
If one is to someone, you should apologize for an insult that you have added another.... (Plasters (wound dressings))
(It appears therein to reflect the idea that the contact with the earth of a particular place right there on the same, as indeed guarantees the possession of a clod earth possession of the land, of which the soil is derived.) I know someone who it dreamed he rings and stretch out his opponent with the so-called trick ‘two fingers to – a’ to the ground.... (Ringfights / rings)
also: Someone wants to exploit our kindness and helpfulness.... (dishonesty)
Dressed someone his wife in red robes, he will experience joy and a son testify.... (wife)
Buy: you want someone hoodwinked, danger... (Opium (opiates))
someone thinks of you from afar... (letter)
Rides someone a loaded baggage mule, these members called a dishonorable, poor woman... (Maulesel / Maultier)
also: someone cherishes an unspoken grudge against a... (wasps)
Acquires someone merchant ships, he will acquire slaves by nature of his household... (ship)
or whether the reverse is someone is doing on their own costs.... (jokes)
If someone looks at a panther and is paralyzed with terror, but remains uninjured, he will have fear and oppression before the ruler.... (panther)
Erotic version of the snake bite: Someone poisoned or interfere our love life.... (snake bite)
prove someone: you will find a patron.... (Benefits / charity)
If the dreaming in the dream experience that someone makes a joke or a sneer, then he should say this, that it can engage in the humor of other people.... (Witz / Witzbold)
If you want to lose someone no, you need him ‘like the air to breathe’ – it is the most indispensable element – without air you can not live – what is not breathing, is dead matter.... (air)
Fuchsia dress can indicate a desire to ‘wrapped’ by someone standing near in love to be.... (dress)
someone: You feel insecure and try to cover it up.... (Abuse / insult)
Losing someone a mule, tribulation will come upon him who will turn to joy.... (Maulesel / Maultier)
someone: through humiliation you will achieve nothing... (to greet)
A joke or joke that appears in a dream can represent someone who is a wise adviser in waking life.... (jokes)
on a self: one will be checked by someone through their paces, without necessarily realizing it... (Measure / Measure)
A woman on the other hand, has to sell something is complete with respect to a sale with someone a contract, as is usual in a marriage.... (wife)
I know someone who is dreaming, his eyes fell out and him. To his feet... (eyes)
Someone who had a brother on trips, who wrote to him again, he would come back to the homeland, dreamed that his brother had become blind, back.... (Brothers)
a renewed friendship with someone from whom they were separated long.... (Yankee (nickname for Americans))
Buy: you will bestow someone... (vase)
When the dreamer sees himself or someone else swept together with a scraper of dirt, the unconscious leaves no other conclusion than we should be able to cope with the soul which already has patina.... (Sweepings / rubbish heap)
someone: You’ll have to do menial labor, do it in humility and this time is passing.... (service)
meet someone: you will have a rival or rivals.... (Measure / Measure)
it threatens even someone you will soon experience anger and disputes.... (threat)
Kissing someone another on the neck, the caressing will be the other complacent when on the shoulder, his wives when. On his arm, his brother or faithful servant... (Kiss / kiss)
in someone who is suffering from something: is a new, warm relationship... (beacon)
A woman dreamed that someone her quote: ‘Dead is Patroclus to fight the naked corpse’s men... (wife)
see someone with big ears: an appeal will be successful... (ears)
hear someone: is a warning of a dishonest friend.... (lisp)
You have to play a supporting role in a play or film? , ‘To be staffed wrong’ that was not a ‘promising’ dream of happiness, but a clear indication that you could soon find painful – Even if you have relevant professional desires or like ‘slip in roles’ in your spare time: The main role in life your partner would like to play someone else and has dealt very intensively and ‘affectionate’ with the ‘role studies’.... (Secondary role)
a dead: it is close to the one or someone is narrowly escape death.... (owl)
others see it: someone close is in dire straits, needs the help... (canyon)
Inserting at someone: a connection that you have received, you should as soon as possible to solve.... (dishonor)
Kissing someone a known dead, he will do his soul or his heirs good when an unknown deceased, pay a prince thanks, but also serve Him.... (Kiss / kiss)
see someone wrapped in such: a testator will be soon heard from... (rags)
of its own: it is admired by someone who looks up to.... (footprint)
for the same reason, therefore once someone whom it dreamed that he had on his right shoulder one eye, lost his brother – told him it were the vision: ‘! Look at your shoulder, give them eight’ -, The woman did not come about to her chest, but her son, whose symbol was the mother’s breast.... (eyes)
received as a gift: you’re going to prove someone a significant complacency.... (silver device)
Perhaps the dream of a shark is also an indication that the dreaming is attacked unfairly and that someone is trying to take something that is rightfully the dreaming.... (shark)
even straighten someone out her tongue: one is on guard not to ridicule by clumsiness... (tongue)
If you follow even someone who should be a wrong which you have done to another, trying to make up again, get along with him and reconcile.... (be pursued)
play yourself: do you want to fool someone something.... (harmonica)