You were dreaming about shaving your beard, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about shaving your beard. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The shaving your beard dream consists of 5158 symbols:
capsize: your hopes not fulfilled... (kahn)
catch: you magnify your funds and have luck in love... (fleas)
established: thou shalt fight your disorder.... (line)
see: your opponents lurking on you... (hawks)
an indication of how you weave yourself with the power of life at that particular time in your life should.... (spider)
Romantic times with your partner or a new love expect.... (Linden tree / Linden flowers)
something empty: you pour out your heart.... (empty)
Measure: begrudge others something Master your price... (tape)
However, it may also be the explanation: your life is littered with useless problems and people that you should definitely create from the neck.... (Waste (rubbish))
Wash your hands with soap: you have a deep guilt that oppresses you.... (Soap)
your work will win through hard work success... (milk head)
see dry: you’re too focused on your own benefit... (wash)
long: your life is quite long.... (candle)
very small: do not trust your friends or servants too much... (hand)
see: your prosperity comes very slowly but surely.... (Sparbose / Spardose)
warns to cherish false hopes because bitter enemies scheming in secret to your future plans... (saffron)
coat of plaster in your own home from the walls: the difficulties relating to the family.... (plaster)
be scratched: theft in your home will you annoy a lot.... (cats)
Keep in and rethink your plans.... (Gate / gate gate)
Also: your firm belief in the matter brings success.... (catechism)
You see happiness in all your undertakings... (peas)
it ride: by your public appearances you’ll soon reap inconvenience... (ass)
see: strong turnaround in your business and other matters... (lizard)
Share your knowledge... (Gifts)
Collect: you make your luck on a trip.... (stalk)
Your dignity is pushed down from a high pedestal... (prosecution)
A dispute goes out in your favor.... (sawdust)
There seems to be something not to vote when dealing with your fellow man.... (rash)
also: one should not blindly trust because they could talk behind your back bad about a particular people around him.... (yodel)
chew: your little vices interfere Friendship... (tobacco)
break: your hope will not be fulfilled.... (pot)
a friend in Frost: stands for a love affair in which your rival is defeated... (frost)
Be on your guard.... (fog)
forge it: forme your destiny energetically... (iron)
your ability to clear communication.... (Moose)
You’ll have to hurry with your work.... (sewing machine)
Your work is badly advised, you will have trouble.... (ruffle)
torment by blows: you will treat your sacrifice barbarous... (ass)
have or make: your action brings you a no praise... (debt)
Examine your previous success, before you move on.... (balance)
one you worth your faithfulness bad... (pfennig)
A part of your self that feels comfortable in the water... (Trout)
also: you keep your calm and does not annoy you, it brings you success.... (bald)
Understand your concept of what is sacred.... (Grandparents)
Also: your position is weak, you need to take yourself together.... (gout)
so eat: through your diligence you come forward... (Spoon (cutlery))
Also: your plan has little success.... (Sue)
on the ground floor: your wishes will come true... (fall)
see: your wishes will not be fulfilled.... (cigar)
68) rising: Your ambition brings you success:... (stages)