You were dreaming about my hair being braided, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about my hair being braided. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The my hair being braided dream consists of 1136 symbols:
The dreamer experiences himself or part of himself as a stranger cut, as outsiders or as.... (Extraordinary being)
strange or unknown... (Extraordinary being)
(See also ‘Ufo’)... (Extraordinary being)
not human.... (Extraordinary being)
Which part of me is weird or unconventional?... (Extraordinary being)
distant... (Extraordinary being)
In the dream he has the knowledge that he lives his life differently than others.... (Extraordinary being)
After initial concerns but you will notice a positive influence of these people on your life... (Extraordinary being)
Previously Marie was grass before it is cut, braided and therefore was called the hair of the mother.... (Mariengras)
Braided hair was once the symbol of order and cleanliness.... (Braid)
Think of Samson, who was strong as long as he wore his long hair! The hair color has its special significance in these dreams.... (Hairdresser)
Once the worst is over, normalize ‘operations in the head’ simultaneously with those on my head ‘- if you can think clearly again, began to distance himself from the experienced loss and has’ good to go’ for new, even stops hair loss, and new hair grows noticeably.... (bald)
If a means and fall away from him all the hair out, it will impoverish according to the hair loss... (drug)
with black hair: one is jealous corresponding to the length of the hair of the woman... (Mrs)
Who dreams often being cheated, afraid of not being important enough – whether in a relationship, family or work situation.... (Amounted to)
Maybe you lose a bit of the ground under his feet, being mainly the acquis is being questioned.... (paragraph)
Dreams in which general well-being and health are important issues, to say not only about our physical being but also our mind amended.... (health)
Because baskets were usually braided and used by women, they also represent the female.... (basket)
a braided: one a solid foundation has been created in life and need to worry... (mat)
All Braided, not only ropes, fishing and Cloud networks but also victims baskets Eßkörbe, hampers the Sattelsaum, wool and work baskets, head nets, gold necklaces, all kinds of jewelry chains, rings and similar structures are due to the integration with respect to marriages, friendships and communities of good omen, on the other hand a hindrance with respect to a journey, an elopement and a flight because of entanglements... (Wattle)
All Braided is obstructive because of linkages with regard to marriages, friendships and communities of good omen, on the other hand with respect to a journey, an elopement and escape because of entanglements... (wreath)
A braided from its branches wreath promised already the ancient hero glory.... (laurel)
The flax is with respect to a marriage and a community of good omen, because it is braided, also in terms of hopes and expectations, because the hunting device, the Cloud networks and similar instruments, adjust with which people the animals far and wide, manufactured from it will.... (Flax (field))
braided, generally: sign of solid foundations... (mat)
Combs is the dreaming in his dream hair, he tries to resolve a determined personal attitude.... (crop circle)
Will my hair cut him, this means that he is trying to bring order to his life.... (crop circle)
(See also ‘hair’)... (bald)
If the knit consists of an unusual material, such as hair or fabric, there is a particular necessity which necessitates the properties of this material.... (Knitwear)
It makes no difference whether the hair sprouted from the tongue itself, from the palate, the gums from the teeth or lips... (tongue)
Hair: They represent strength and potency.... (crop circle)
The hair is a known sex symbol.... (crop circle)
So Islamic stories warn repeatedly against the woman’s hair, which binds more strongly than a thousand contracts.... (crop circle)
the black-haired blond The people are good, dangerous: With regard to the hair color of the dream is working with strong contrasts.... (crop circle)
Black hair accelerate, white delay the dream fulfillment.... (tongue)
The hair can bind.... (crop circle)
Everything a child’s age does not belong, namely in boys a beard and gray hair, girls marry, give birth and others as early and is one and all inauspicious, except speaking.... (Child (s))
Cuts the dreaming another human hair, this may indicate that the dreaming back is in its activities.... (crop circle)
By cutting off the hair or a man as the myth lose their sexual potency.... (crop circle)
fire: it is a hair’s breadth away from an accident.... (delete)
the emperor is his people in a war against enemies lose according to the loss of hair.... (fire)
One must know that as well as the hair and the blood power and wealth of the people means only it refers to a much greater degree of wealth.... (Bloodletting)
Who dreams, suddenly losing his hair, has to cope with a recent fear of loss during this period.... (bald)
(See also ‘hair’)... (pomade)
Dreaming one, his hair on his head had caught fire, he will be losing assets by the authorities according to the damage that caused the fire... (fire)
(See also ‘hair’)... (Comb / comb)
(See also ‘hair’)... (Brunette)
Not infrequently one actually fall amplified from hair when you stand just under the shock of an emotional or physical loss.... (bald)
he shaved the hair off in a dream, that meant that he had to expect great inconvenience.... (shave)
If one believes to have hair on the tongue, white or black, it is not a good sign.... (tongue)
The less hair you seem to have, the more serious the disease will be coming... (bald)