house leaking water from ceiling DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about house leaking water from ceiling, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about house leaking water from ceiling. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The house leaking water from ceiling dream consists of 6448 symbols:
For many creatures from the animal kingdom Red clover is a preferred food.... (Red clover)
To whom you sit, who is sitting next to us, who against us? ‘At first I wanted to put to Hartmann.’ (Context: Hartmann is robust, healthy, phralerisch and cunning, a pachyderm.) ‘But then I sat down to the doctor Vuilleumier.’ (Context:. Very fine, differentiated, efficient doctor from simple ratios) dream and context give the interpretation: The dreamer was at this time internally not healthy at the crossroads between rough, rugged life enjoyment and lifestyle differentiated and nobler kind.... (railroad)
Your dignity is pushed down from a high pedestal... (prosecution)
Anyone who feels constantly watched by eyes or one eye, has strong feelings of inferiority and suffers from internal unrest.... (eyes)
Trost reaction from the lowest to the highest... (hospital)
a very expensive bear with precious gems: can expect an inheritance from distant relatives... (a necklace)
If you see waste, then one might in waking life might erase troublesome thoughts from his mind.... (Waste (rubbish))
see how those are picked or shaken from the tree: Warning of a seduction or a non-genuine love... (olives)
The laboratory may the operations symbolize the ‘still experimental’ (mostly shielded from the entrance stranger who should not receive an overview) – something is very special ‘tried’ until you get to a promising result.... (Laboratory / Laboratory / Laboratory)
Perhaps also stems from the exterior of a doctor or a nurse, the reference to the person who is in such a phase of life, perceived as ‘saving’, or at least as helpful.... (disease)
People use the term crystal in order to describe everything that has a crystalline appearance, especially stones from the quartz family.... (crystal)
I know someone who is dreaming, he was sprung from the head of a vine.... (plants)
because the iron is destroyed by rust arising from it.... (iron)
Is a dream from the fact that the dreaming is at a fixed location, it could mean that he resumes contact with his light-hearted, childlike side.... (Station)
see closed: one has secrets from you... (box)
It brings this vision to frequently travel and movements for the dreaming with it, because the soothsayer from place to place pull.... (Weissager)
free from aggression... (bees)
you may also suffer from an enemy... (Bite)
Images that fall from the wall, are a bad sign.... (image)
drinking from the pot: joy.... (milk head)
Seeming it him, he climb from the car down, he makes the worries are unmarried.... (dare)
This met in exchange for a ‘brother’, the interpretation was contested from common checkout.)... (urine)
This may indicate that the dreamer considers his problems in the waking life from the understanding.... (alcohol)
suffer from it: one must beware of enemies in eight and also take care of the health.... (Typhoid (disease))
Sometimes to be reflected by the tendency of people to very retreat into themselves and isolation from the surrounding world around... (B)
The man cured from an ulcer that had formed on the belly by he underwent surgery.... (death)
from a rise: it is in interesting plans succeed, what you can congratulate... (dare)
smoke from the pipe: your thoughtfulness brings you happiness... (tobacco)
But the dream also means that enemies are nearby and just waiting for a mistake from you.... (hawk)
According to ancient sources, which starts from the mystical significance of bees, announce in a dream usually to happiness and success as a reward for hard work.... (bees)
If food pieces fall from the fork or you used a dull knife, it tells you that currently feels frustrated or has problems to obtain spiritual nourishment you need.... (cutlery)
Crawls the snake away from her, she gains acceptance against all onslaught.... (crossotter)
In a friendship trust and openness is necessary, even from their own side, otherwise they can not thrive.... (crater)
July), infants, is a clear chalcedony, which varies in color from pink to red to yellow.... (carnelian)
Is he off the lamb, he will be separated from his wife, either through death or any other reason... (Lamb (young sheep))
People from whom you do not expect it will support a.... (rat poison)
drinking from a: means peace and joy... (cup)
The behavior of the woman in the dream is significant because it reflects your conscious or unconscious longings resist – what you need from his partner.... (gods)
If the dreaming in his dream demands obedience from another person, then he is aware of his authority and power over others.... (obedience)
In addition, the following circumstances need to be considered: can see a saw announce a separation from which one takes advantage.... (saw)
see or speak: who suffer from falsehood and wickedness.... (Stallknecht / Stallbursche / Reitknecht)
From black skin.... (blackbird)
Who dreams to constantly look for gloves and on every conceivable occasion to don rubber gloves (a condom symbol) could suffer from an irrational fear of AIDS, which may not even be aware of it.... (AIDS)
he feels discomfort or remorse on the marketing, he will be banished from the country, if not voluntarily emigrate.... (mother)
the merchants from the temple expelling: evil enemies are defeated and honest efforts will be rewarded.... (Christ)
Translated could him with a mental affliction from which it only one way out there, which is decided in our characterological behavior.... (canyon)
Traveling abroad it announces the return home, often news from overseas.... (ship)
great efforts are expected from a that are adequately rewarded.... (Perspiration (skin breathing))
You give yourself too much from with trivial things.... (Clutter)
Your benevolence and their reliability can be explained that customs officers exercise a security guard from the fact.... (Zöllner / Zollhaus / Customs office)