dream of a strange dog trying to bite me DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about dream of a strange dog trying to bite me, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about dream of a strange dog trying to bite me. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The dream of a strange dog trying to bite me dream consists of 5623 symbols:
stifle the dream means that the dreaming is coming into conflict with his inability to bring itself adequately to bear.... (suffocate)
Very often one finds in the dream a nest full of eggs, a cup or a bowl.... (Eggs)
A dream symbol of your own mind on an important matter.... (judgment)
In the dream translation of the lake can thus still water (qv) outlines that establishes deep.... (lake)
In the dream trespassing a certain area might say that the dreaming entering the personal space of others.... (Unauthorized entry)
Is the dream of a teddy bear, then manifests itself in this an infantile need for security.... (bear)
If you see in a dream that confirms usually that one lives in accordance with his own conscience.... (Bible)
pure sexual desire dream... (chestnuts)
Hand is generally in reality as well as in a dream as an image for the formation of life through energy and drive.... (hand)
Freud saw in cannibalism as a dream symbol affections of sadism, which may sometimes be true, but does not have to.... (cannibal)
The dream of a ball or similar forms such as ball and circle expresses the desire for mental balance and overcoming differences of the dreaming.... (ball)
The clothes, their colors and their condition can in a dream to a variety of meanings, but if the dreamer compares it with its real situation, are relatively easy to understand.... (dress)
Soon after he buried his master, as well as that released in the dream of his patron, these lost through death.... (Corpus Christi / Corpse)
In the dream, to feel hatred warns do by hasty judgments wrong.... (Hate)
Comes in a dream before a test, it could indicate a form of self-assessment.... (test)
Bombs in a dream usually indicate points to an explosive situation with which the dreaming must be completed.... (bomb)
This can symbolize in the dream that the dreaming has been overstimulated by ‘wild’ behavior sexually or otherwise and has lost control of himself.... (boiler)
Water moves under its own laws, and if the dreamer noticed in his dream that a river or a road surrounds him with its meanders, this is an invitation to him, his feelings to become more aware and more gentle with them.... (meander)
Young women should after this dream seek the counsel of friends and not paying attention stranger, especially married men awaken.... (devil)
At the spiritual level, the quartet is the dream for the order-creating principle of wholeness.... (quartet)
A young woman who goes on a sled in the dream is having problems with her family because her lover.... (Sledge (as a horse-drawn carriage))
The dream may be a signal for immediate action.... (ice cream)
Are we even dream of pottery, then we have to mold and make the fire of purification itself.... (potter)
shows in a dream to have thirst that the dreaming has an unmet inner need... (thirst)
At the spiritual level a trophy in the dream symbolizes a key experience (for example, the achievement of a consciousness expanded state), which the dreamer closer brings his spiritual goals.... (trophy)
If the winter is portrayed in the dream as especially hard, we feel even when we are still young, perhaps lonely, because love has cooled to a fellow... (winter)
The grass as a dream symbol has several meanings, it always comes here on the condition of the grass.... (weed)
But the struggle for survival in a dream is a positive sign: One imagines the life struggle.... (disasters)
applies at least for the time of the dream, that you are in a single life more comfortable (and his present life performances ‘appropriate’) would feel.... (bachelor)
Chaotic states in a dream usually reveal mental oppressions, feelings that can not be classified.... (chaos)
The doodles are – which are linked to Dream – without any fault of their own.... (Surrealistic dreams)
If the column in the dream action to collapse or to falter, it symbolizes the relentless power of dreaming person.... (pillar)
even cry: dream of the contrary... (Scream)
Perhaps the ascetic stands in the dream for those looking for simplicity and the prompt to develop soul and spirit through asceticism.... (ascetic)
The dream of a stunning means that you are truncated in your own feelings.... (Stunning)
The dreamer is the man whom he touched in a dream, by mutual agreement.... (contact)
The dreaming tries to realize a lifelong dream, but has no right idea of what he wants from life.... (dragon-fly)
Often a clue dream that one for ‘lyrical moments’ covers his love of poetry and his taste something and its real possibilities, happier and to live more intensely, thereby overlooks – and failed.... (lyric)
A thread in a dream represents a certain line of thought or question chain of the dreaming.... (thread)
If you are a player or athlete, you do not keep the dream trophy for a promise to have in this field success.... (cup)
Getting a spiritual life and of all that is the people expensive comes in the dream symbol vinegar as a preservative substance expressed.... (vinegar)
If you, for example, had a dream, occurred in the raspberries, then this may indicate that you zubewegst up the interference position.... (travel)
Often is warned with the slides in a dream of falling.... (Slide / slide)
Hopefully you are the dream as an encouragement to stop it.... (smoke)
To dream of shattering pearls, represents the failure of a preferred project.... (pearls)
A young woman who puts a spring in her hat in the dream, dare many conquests.... (spring keel)
At the spiritual level a loan in the dream is associated with healing and support.... (lend)
The dream action are usually light on the nature of the link.... (Chain)
Where do we see individual weapons in a dream or hold itself and use, it is usually a mental decision.... (war)
Reins in the dream, as they involve a kind of compulsion, an indication of the need to control the dreaming available power and energy.... (reins)