coughing up blood in a dream DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about coughing up blood in a dream, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about coughing up blood in a dream. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The coughing up blood in a dream dream consists of 5275 symbols:
an auspicious dream that the Friends affects more than one self... (sapphire)
As a dream symbol indicate that one (if not exhausted) is at least urlaubsreif – could be ‘an idyllic life’ good use, at least a few days.... (idyll)
If you feel in a dream the other decidedly inferior (Inferioritäts complex) should ask his dreams to the Aufzeigung of ways to increase self-confidence... (Inferiority (subordinate, subordinate))
The dream of a burning candle today refers to the need for insight, knowledge, enlightenment or emotional warmth, as an attempt to clarify something that the dreaming does not understand yet, since candles as illuminating bodies are no longer relevant.... (candle)
If you have never had a creative hobby, has this dream one might point out that it is time.... (creativity)
A dream in which guests can sit on ice, can a pleasant living conditions to predict.... (ice cream)
Food is often used in the dream figuratively, such as mental or emotional nourishment and should be assessed accordingly.... (food)
Imitation in the dream shows that the dreaming is aware that other people learn by example.... (to imitate)
Such a dream may also point to the interior of the dreaming... (pipe)
Matters involving the, seen from the other symbols of the dream and the real life circumstances.... (watch)
Siegt one case, then there may be a loss in real life, while the defeat in the dream actually promises a success.... (Olympics)
Such images play in a dream a role when the dreamer loses the fear that part of his personality.... (lake)
When the attention of the dreaming is directed in his dream on a spring dress, so this refers to the display of power and strength.... (Feather dress)
A dream, which refers to a sudden (and then consistently held) change: you have lived long adapted enough and fall now to the other extreme, even if it sometimes quite ‘oblique’ effect and could be embarrassing: Do not worry, there is’ genuine ‘.... (embarrassment)
In the dream, the body often symbolizes the ego.... (crop circle)
When a dream of a thunderstorm is, the dreaming in a way, marking it a voltage discharges.... (thunderstorm)
If the dreaming attempts to two different states into balance with each other, this can be in the dream symbolizes righteousness.... (justice)
The dream may also reflects the fear that a colleague or rival could better ‘stand his ground’.... (castration)
you have to fight to get to its destination, the more goats can be seen in the dream, the more difficulties.... (goat)
General means of flight in a dream that the objectives are achievable, as they seem.... (flight)
The facsimile (fax) is a dream symbol for easy communication.... (Fax / fax machine)
Dissipates the mist in a dream, you will arrive at insights and discoveries that affect more lives often positive.... (haze)
Perhaps returns the former Dream Symbol – swamp or mountaintop – no more back, but it appears a new symbol, which in turn provides a way out of the wax problem.... (difficulties)
A dream that makes your taste for ‘double life’ vividly.... (safari)
beat ass indicated after old dream books indicate a ruthless, unemotional character.... (ass)
It is also significant that the body part is cleaned in a dream.... (Cleaning / cleaning)
The rising in the dream seed means a new beginning, we are trying and in which we have to maneuver carefully in order not to destroy the delicate plants that represent the contacts in this new world.... (Seed / seed field)
Summer in the dream embodies one hand upcoming holiday and fun and thus corresponding relaxation.... (summer)
In the dream it was possibly by many people, perhaps colleagues, surrounded, or typewriters or computers that are in full swing: That means a lot of problems that have not necessarily to do with his own work.... (working place)
When speaking in a dream devotional prayers, one’s soul is asking for help.... (devotion)
Almost all the food in the dream is related to the basic human need for food in context.... (salad)
Substituting in the dream into hot water, which has the same meaning for the waking life, as suggested in the vernacular.... (nettles)
dream: peace and contentment.... (eternity)
In the dream, a fax machine have a spiritual coloring... (Fax / fax machine)
A Justice dream.... (pendulum)
If you dream of people who have died, it could indicate a connection of their own spirituality with long-forgotten ancestors.... (deceased)
Did the horse running in a certain direction? Mirage is a rider? Was it unwillingly, patient or phlegmatic? The dream reflects certainly the own attitude to the problem that it symbolizes, but may also show ways to solve it.... (horse)
a dream of the contrary... (Propagation (Habitat))
At the spiritual level, the umbilical cord is in the dream a symbol for the anchoring of the people in the world.... (umbilical cord)
The dream consciousness suppressed by the image of the pipe out of the desire for a paternal friend, protector or advisor.... (Pipe (for smoking))
Do not panic, you sure do not dream of the really own! It may be that for you ‘someone has died’ – you want nothing more / have to do it with him, the contact completely cancel.... (burial)
Was the dream scene chaotic, the atmosphere hostile, it is to be understood as an invitation: Forget it! Even if the contact with this man could be more intense, you would have to take a lot of unpleasant price for it – it would never have a real pair situation.... (Accompany / accompany / accompany)
If the Grail in the dream appears, this refers to the fact that the dreaming experienced an extraordinary meeting or an important change.... (Gral)
At the spiritual level climbing means in dream increase... (climb)
Who loses in the dream, it should be taken literally as a warning: The ability to ‘slog’ to perceive their own interests and to fight major concerns, has been lost.... (Denture)
But it may also be available for the overtaxed when the vehicle can not properly control the dream.... (Steering Wheel (Vehicle))
But you do not fear that every nightmare announces a serious condition! But if one dreams that a medically missing something (especially if the dream repeats itself), it is time to go to the doctor.... (crop circle)
At this level the pipe is in the dream, the reference to a kind of spiritual guidance.... (Pipe (for smoking))
It is an important dream symbol, to signal that that each pendulum strikes back.... (pendulum)
In the dream, gold is rare for material wealth.... (gold)