You were dreaming about can't punch or fight back, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about can't punch or fight back. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The can't punch or fight back dream consists of 5720 symbols:
get presents: can expect huge success in a company... (cup)
It can also be a symbol of a place where people gather with the same goals and beliefs, or stand for old-fashioned principles and beliefs.... (banner)
can he also draw from other, he will be his clan useful.... (fountain)
so they can stand upright, climbing trees, harvesting honey and catch fish.... (brown bear)
But even for a mood in which it is thought: Nothing can hold me! Anyway, this dream has to do with a mood in which you rather die, ‘to fall on the nose’, instead of thinking of restraint and caution.... (Slide / slide)
Basically promises a full bucket luck, success and self-realization that one ‘can draw on the wealth’ and has a lot to give... (bucket)
What is the psychotherapeutic point of view: can the ‘animal instincts’ live without any sense of guilt?) It is the female principle of the receiving and instinctive.... (unicorn)
How did you feel when eating? Did you feel guilty about quality or quantity or ate with enjoyment? Insatiable to eat or drink, can express the ‘starved’ of your personality, reflect unmet needs and might feel on their own or to be hated, convey.... (eat)
See other: it can break above the knee nothing.... (impatience)
But it can also is antiquated views, attitudes and beliefs are expressed, you should take... (Antiques / Antiques)
Nettles are wild plants that can cause skin irritations.... (boiler)
The transfer of energy can be carried by a blessing touch.... (contact)
Circulating Blood in the dream can be an important symbol.... (blood)
With appropriate personal circumstances can it dissatisfaction, boredom or resignation comes to the fore... (ebb)
However, this dream symbol is also often used for mental processes, it can be construed as a reminder to more self-criticism or self-reflection.... (guts)
An Egyptian mummy symbolizes death, but also the fact that the embalmed body remains after death and can not be forgotten.... (mummy)
This will strengthen your intuitive abilities and you can anticipate things and go through life more securely.... (chaos)
A bean can represent immortality and magic power.... (Beans)
This can symbolize in the dream that the dreaming has been overstimulated by ‘wild’ behavior sexually or otherwise and has lost control of himself.... (boiler)
If they can not hear the caller at the other end of the line, standing before slander and loss of the beloved.... (phone)
Shoot: you can get rid of your opponents.... (wolf)
The dream symbol can difficulties and conflicts in the integration of male and female parts of the personality indicate.... (castration)
The clothes, their colors and their condition can in a dream to a variety of meanings, but if the dreamer compares it with its real situation, are relatively easy to understand.... (dress)
be on him, now can overlook the results his actions and his efforts (according to the appearance of the landscape), reaping the fruits of his labor and to rest on his laurels.... (hill)
Raft the blood easily through arteries or veins can mean that you feel to be on the right path.... (blood)
blue: you can hope to Friends... (suit)
In the dream translation of the lake can thus still water (qv) outlines that establishes deep.... (lake)
also: in love affairs one will experience a severe disappointment, with which one can not be done for a long time.... (rust)
How can I be safe and still live my sexuality?... (eunuch)
In present days, it can also refer to the computer free times.... (typewriter)
you can not trust your environment.... (woodpecker)
Broken arms can indicate impending large disputes and losses.... (Arms (body part))
Incentive can manifest itself in many ways.... (spur)
The dream will ask you your ‘mental Keller’ finally clearing out time to explore your inner being can.... (Souterrain (cellar floor))
Finds the dreaming in his dream of gold, so this means that he can discover those characteristics in yourself.... (gold)
It can be either a love relationship, but also to the recording of knowledge and spirit of the person (s).... (cannibal)
Gallapfel can announce prosperity (perhaps by marriage)... (gallas)
Especially the climbing of a mountain can be seen as escapism, as a wish of the dreamer, the current life to escape completely or partially.... (climb)
If the dreaming attempts to two different states into balance with each other, this can be in the dream symbolizes righteousness.... (justice)
Was it clear, well designed and impressive, or formulated clumsy? If in the latter case, the time can be questionable, the fair aims?... (Advertising / Advertising)
Morgue can represent feelings and hopes that were not fulfilled... (house of corpses)
because intentional load: you can not defend against malicious slander... (interrogation)
On the other hand, they can alert the dreamer on a not brought to the end of mourning.... (pearls)
What can I move effortlessly?... (Pulley block)
what you need to clean before you can reach them... (Peyote)
denotes an inconvenience, but one can easily go out of the way... (hill)
eat: you can be assured of mutual love... (heart)
Go with negative feelings: one can not always rely on his friends... (Mine)
Moreover, nettles can for wanting other people are hurting the dreaming or this has ‘fingers burnt’ on a personal or professional projects.... (boiler)
Accepts the dreaming the dark, feminine side of sexuality, the part that scares him, so he can come to a more satisfied sexual life.... (bear)