You were dreaming about broken window glass pane, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about broken window glass pane. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The broken window glass pane dream consists of 614 symbols:
also: we must remain confident... (window)
open: love affairs, one waits with longing for you... (window)
also: one you do not want to show his plans... (window)
through a closed look out from the inside: one will be will can not prevail... (window)
closed: your courage will help you... (window)
climb in: Armed and Trouble... (window)
see follow: domestic discord.... (window)
see and admire great: keep his pride.... (Window row)
Showcase warns against seduction and too much confidence.... (Store window)
look out: you’ll get the latest news... (window)
rush out: Danger... (window)
Restricted: you’ll unhappiness in your Things have... (window)
from an open rise: missed Things... (window)
you will come through courage to your destination... (window)
you’re immodest... (Store window)
you have secret desires.... (Store window)
Man waiting with love for you.... (bay window)
see or balcony: one will have to reckon with unsuccessful job... (bay window)
full of people: displays visits.... (bay window)
paint: annoying things will bother you.... (Window frames)
You get unexpected love visiting.... (window)
see: do not trust the certificate.... (Store window)
does not recommend the purchase... (Store window)
all that glitters is not gold... (Store window)
also: one will soon have to make do with less money, because there are imminent financial loss.... (Store window)
false friends are trying to deceive you... (window)
also: the lovers are suspect that you have abused your trust.... (window)
also: refers to loneliness... (window)
in front of a closed stand: one should react to the cold and hostile behavior of the environment with more kindness... (window)
there is no reason to isolate itself even more... (window)
in passing through a look, behind which play strange things: means that one failure in his chosen profession and will lose the respect of other people, although one has put all his health at risk... (window)
you will be harshly persecuted... (window)
closed: good prospects for enterprises... (window)
open standing: displays visits... (window)
brings happiness and satisfaction... (window)
also: one will have an experience that a completely new prospects will open and you will break new ground... (window)
also see it: Curiosity, folly, absurdity... (window)
by a look out: deluded expectations... (window)
you will be caught, as one tries to unfair means to reach the goal... (window)
brings controversy and adversity... (window)
sitting at a stand or: brings worries at work... (window)
by a boarding: unscrupulousness... (window)
you will wait in vain for help... (window)
also increase by one: ensuring wealth loss... (window)
also: one becomes always more entangled in a difficult situation... (window)
rush out: Schreck... (window)
no effort will be crowned with success... (window)
general: the greatest needs and expectations are bitterly disappointed... (window)
Also: good prospects in the profession... (Glass)
cut: you understand your affairs to organize... (Glass)